How to Block Someone From Your YouTube Channel

Are you fed up with Sub4Sub and other spammy YouTube comments? Learn how to permanently ban those pesky apps.

YouTube is a fantastic adventure, but it does attract its fair share of Internet trolls and defamatory remarks. You don't have to put up with it, though. It's simple to remove the negativity from your life and permanently block the spammy consumer. Here's how to do it:

Click your channel profile picture in the top right-hand corner of most desktop YouTube screens, then click ‘YouTube Studio.'

Click the ‘Comment' section in the left-hand navigation bar from this dashboard to see all of the most recent comments to which you have not yet responded.

Let's start with a simple example. The 'Maybe Spam' tab will show you comments that YouTube has kept back until you have had a chance to check them. The most ‘sub4sub' type requests can be found here (and you know how we feel about those).

Click the ‘Ban' icon to block any further interaction or comments from a user who tries to spam your channel with sub4sub or other pointless requests. You'll see a confirmation pop-up confirming that this user has been removed from the channel.

Users Who Have Already Posted YouTube Comments Are Banned

Let's return to the comments that have already been made public on the channel. Tap the ‘Published' tab on the same dashboard. Three dots will now appear next to each comment on this article. The following options will appear when you click them:

Remove the user from the channel

This User's Comments Should Always Be Approved

This user should be added as a comment moderator.

Option 2 and 3 allow you to either delete or report a single comment to YouTube. Obviously, don't take advantage of this system; it serves no one.

The fourth option is identical to the ban option on the ‘Likely Spam' page, essentially barring this user from ever posting on your channel or videos again.

To keep track of all of the users you've banned from your channel (which could number in the hundreds if you have a large one), go to the left-hand menu and select 'Community.' A ‘Hidden Users' box appears halfway down the pop-up page.

Each hidden user isn't legally barred from your channel, just to be clear. They can still view your material, but they won't be able to leave feedback or participate in live chats. You can delete a user from this list if you have a change of heart and want to restore their comment privileges.

You can ban anyone using the YouTube Creator Studio app, but you can't handle them other than hiding them from your content. If you want to delete the user from the secret users list, you must return to the desktop.

Recognize and reward the most dedicated and active YouTube subscribers.

On your YouTube page, you'll almost definitely attract your fair share of trolls and negativity. There will, however, be a great deal of support for you. Turning the most loyal and committed members of your group into moderators might be a good way to reward them. When it comes to live streams, they will be truly invaluable.

On that note, we'd like to take a moment to express our gratitude to all of our vidIQ YouTube channel moderators. You volunteer for what can often be a thankless mission, and it is greatly appreciated.

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Here is the list of youtube channels one should follow:

Thank you for reading till the end.